Lowell Specifications, Inc.

Lowell Specifications, Inc.


50 Fernald Road


ME 04032


Phone: 207-865-4518

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Our office can provide specifications for Divisions 2 through 14. Over the past several years, we have developed our own Office Master Specs that incorporate products for our New England climate as well as products for our West Coast clients. We create master sections with commonly used products that can speed the production of writing specifications, cut down on errors and omissions, and save YOU money. We have developed a terminology list for coordination of language on the drawings with the specifications. We are familiar with the U.S. Government SpecsIntact Program and can produce specifications for government projects. We are licensed for the use of AIA Master Spec. With a Certified Construction Specifier (CCS) on staff, we provide specifications that follow the Construction Specifications Institute Master Format as well as the guidelines of CSI's Manual of Practice. We are equipped to produce specifications in Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect formats and final documents will be generated on disk in the program of your choice.